About Thomas Fitzgerald

Thomas is a professional fine art photographer and writer specialising in photography related instructional books as well as travel writing and street photography. 

My new iPhone Photography Blog

My new iPhone Photography Blog

I've been wanting to start some sort of blog to showcase some of my iPhone photography on an ongoing basis for some time, when I realised that I already had the perfect platform sitting idle. I've had a Tumblr blog that I haven't really been doing much lately, and it's set up to a fairly decent domain name too, thephotographygeek.com. Not only that but I'be already been sort of using it for iPhone photography, as I've been automatically sharing my Instagram pictures on it for a while now. After a little bit of tidying up over the last little while, and with a fresh coat of virtual paint, it's now been transformed into an iPhone photography blog.

The theme will be iPhone photography, taken with various apps on the iPhone. It's both a way to share my iPhone images on a regular basis and it will also act as sort of an experiment too, because the goal is to post to it entirely from the iPhone (or iPad) too.

I've been posting for a while before really publicising it, just to see if it's something that I'll keep doing, and I'm really enjoying the experience. The whole workflow from end to end has been entirely done on my iPhone. So far most of the images I've been sharing with have been wither from VSCO Cam or Instagram, but I'm planning to start using a few other apps soon too.

The posting workflow is pretty seamless now with the extended share sheets that were introduced last year in iOS 8. I can share directly to Tumblr via VSCO Cam and many other apps too. Instagram also lets you automatically post to Tumblr, and for apps that don't you can always go via the app from the camera roll anyway.

If you're a Tumblr user yourself, please head over and follow the blog, and please help spread the word!

You can check to more of my work on various social media and galleries. Just click on one of the icons below, and if you're not already following me on Facebook and Twitter, please stop by and follow me too!

Oslo with the X100, VSCO Cam

Oslo with the X100, VSCO Cam

My attempt at shooting film

My attempt at shooting film