About Thomas Fitzgerald

Thomas is a professional fine art photographer and writer specialising in photography related instructional books as well as travel writing and street photography. 

Sequence: Food Fight

Sequence: Food Fight

Here's a little distraction for a rainy Friday. I was taking some photos in the Stephen's Green park in the centre of Dublin yesterday, and as I was lining up a different shot, I noticed some commotion in the lake behind me. There was a guy there feeding the seagulls, and they were getting quite frenetic. So I shot off a sequence on high speed with my D700.

It's funny looking at them in close up on the computer. You realise just how scary and aggressive looking seagulls can be. Anyway, below is a selection of stills from the sequence. I also put them together into a little video, which I've uploaded to Vimeo and YouTube in 4k. This is my first attempt at doing 4k so, as I can't really shoot video or even play it back in 4k, so a still sequence will be my entry into the format for now! I'm not 100% sure I've uploaded it correctly, but anyway! Enjoy!

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