About Thomas Fitzgerald

Thomas is a professional fine art photographer and writer specialising in photography related instructional books as well as travel writing and street photography. 

Street Photo Diary: Issue 29 - Autumn is coming

Street Photo Diary: Issue 29 - Autumn is coming

I’ve said on my blog many times that Autumn is my favourite time of the year for photography. This isn’t just about the wonderful colours of the falling leaves. It’s also abut the Autumn light, and here in Ireland it’a already starting to be noticeable.

I have been having some creative block recently, especially when it comes to street photography. Sometimes I just find myself redoing the same old thing, and it feels monotonous and bad. The streets have been so busy and the light so dull lately, that inspiration just hasn’t been hitting me. This morning though, the sun was shining, and I was determined to beat the creativity blues. I headed out into the city especially early. I wanted to take advantage of the morning quietness, as well as the wonderful light. Somehow, something clicked and I was able to see and visualise what I wanted to shoot.

I walked from one side of the city to the other, using the light as my guide. I searched for patches of light, travelling shadows, pockets of illumination and waited for the right moment. When someone stepped into a beam or a patch of dappled sunshine I clicked. When the shadows fell just right I clicked, and somehow, my creativity also clicked. When I got home and looked at the pictures, I was really pleased with how they came out. I had been worried that I was loosing touch, and as my own harshest critic, It’s something that I often feel.

Today though, it was ok. Today, I was happy with what I had done. Autumn really is my favourite time of the year.

Street Photography with an Ultrawide Lens

Street Photography with an Ultrawide Lens

Picktorial X-Pack First Look

Picktorial X-Pack First Look