All tagged New Year

Shooting the Sunrise on New Years Day Didn’t Quite Go According to Plan

Every year we like to get up early on New Year’s day and head to the beach to watch the first sunrise of the new year. It’s a little ritual to start the year, but unfortunately, it hasn’t always gone exactly according to plan. Last year, we couldn’t actually get to the beach, because of a strict covid lockdown, as it was outside the permissible distance. This year we did get there, but instead of a glorious sunrise, we were treated to stormy seas and winds. Not exactly what we were hoping for, but it led to some cool photos anyway.

Looking back on 2021 and forward to 2022. A Year in Photography Blogging

What a weird year it’s been. This time last year we were all delighted to see the back of a crappy 2020 and optimistic that the following year would be better. In some ways it was, but in others, not so much. I had hoped to see a return to some kind of normality in 2021 but instead we started the year in another strict lockdown, and from then on it was a rollercoaster of ups and downs.

New Year Photography Plans and Goals

At the start of the new year, I like to outline some of my photography related goals and plans for the upcoming year. Some of these are aspirational, and some are more practical. Many won’t get accomplished, but its still a useful exercise to write things down. While some are more longer term goals, I also have a couple of more short term projects that I want to talk about too.

Happy New Year

Wishing everyone a happy new year and a great 2019. I have been a little behind with updates for the last few months for personal reasons, but I hope to be back to full power and full steam ahead for January.

New Year Photography Goals

It's that time of the year again, when the excitement of the new year is still fresh and I decide to make lots of resolutions for myself that I invariably won't actually keep. Ok, I'm kidding.... well, sort of. I did actually keep some of my resolutions last year, but this time, instead of resolutions as such, I'm setting myself some photography related goals to achieve throughout the year. Most of these are just ideas, that I've jotted down. Even if they never actually happen, it can be helpful to think out loud like this, even if it's just to give yourself some direction.