New Video: Landscape Photo Editing - From start to Finish in Lightroom & Photoshop

I was recently visiting a somewhat famous waterfall not too far from where I live and of course I took some photos while I was there. We went primarily to enjoy the fresh air and scenery, so it wasn’t a specific photo shoot, but even so I got some interesting images. One worked out particularly well, and I thought my process for editing it would make an interesting video, so here it is!

DXO Pure Raw 4 released

Today, DXO announced the release of the latest version of Pure RAW, the company’s RAW pre-processing software. Version 4 adds some welcome new features including a new version of Deep Prime, DXO’s noise reduction and demosaicing technology, improved lens softness correction, and new workflow improvements. One of the most requested new features is that you now have the ability to control the amount of noise reduction through new advanced settings options.

Thoughts on the Fujifilm X100VI. The last of the Fuji Rangefinders

I’ve been a Fujifilm shooter for quite some time now. The original X100 still sits on a shelf in my office, and I’ve had a total of 5 different Fujifilm cameras over the years. While the original X100 wasn’t my first Fuji camera, it was probably the one I used for the longest. Since then, there have been numerous iterations of this camera, each better than the previous one. I never really bothered upgrading the X100 because my other Fuji cameras pretty much did the same thing, but with the additional option of changing lenses. Now with its latest iteration, is it time to finally upgrade? And what does the X100VI release say about the rest of the Fuji Lineup?

iPhone ProRaw Underexposure in Lightroom and How to fix it

When you import ProRAW files into Lightroom, it defaults to using the Apple ProRAW colour profile. The colours on this are…let’s just say, they’re not great. It makes it look like it would if you had just shot it normally and not used ProRAW. In particular, shadows seem pushed too much, and highlights have a weird yellow tone. No problem, just switch to one of the Adobe colour profiles, I hear you say. This is where the weirdness comes in. If you switch to the Adobe profile, it will be significantly under exposed.

Happy New Year, Plus Two Weeks!

I had this great plan to start the new year with a fresh blogging schedule, and a renewed energy. Of course that didn’t happen. It’s two weeks later and I’m only getting around to writing my “new year” post now. Like many a New Year’s resolutions, they crashed and burned on day two! But now that I have a moment, let me update you on a few things that have been happening, and some plans for the next little while.

New Video: Generative Fill is the Best Way to Remove Reflections from Photos

A little while ago I was going through some photos and I came across a cool shot I had taken in New York of a dog in front of a large window. Unfortunately it was ruined by the reflection of yours truly. Normally removing something like this would be quite time consuming, so I thought, why not try Generative Fill. Not only did it work, but it worked perfectly at removing the reflections and keeping the other detail. So I made a video to show you the process…

Capture One’s Unacceptable Performance on 4k and 5k Displays

For the last few years, whenever I wrote about Capture One, I would invariably get a comment from someone about how poor the performance was in the software. Try as I might, I could not replicate the results, so the reason behind this perplexed me. To be honest, I had assumed it was some external factor causing the issue. Well, I owe my readers an apology on this because, after recently upgrading to a new computer, I too now have this problem, and it seems to be due to running the software on a 4k display.

New Video: Photo Walk by Dublin's Grand Canal and Using Photography to Overcome Creative Block

In this video, I go back to basics and set out to enjoy the creative process of taking photos in order to overcome a bad case of creator block and imposter syndrome. I went for a Photo Walk by the grand canal in Dublin with my Trusty Fujifilm X-E4 and talked about how you sometimes need to take photos just for yourself and enjoy the process as a form of meditation.

Lightroom Classic 13 Released

Yesterday, as part of its Max event, Adobe released a new version of the Lightroom family. This includes Lightroom Desktop 7.0, the latest versions of Lightroom mobile and Lightroom Classic 13. In this post, We’ll have a look at some of the key features of Lightroom Classic 13.