All tagged Learning

How to make a cup of tea (not actually about making tea)

Many, many years ago (sigh) I did a course in Film and Video production run by the local government here in Ireland. It was only ever run once, but it was actually a great course, and I probably owe my entire career to that course. I learned so much from that and much of the experience still serves me today. But there was one class that I always remembered more than any other, and it’s an interesting story, and I wanted to share it, because I think there’s a valuable lesson in it for everyone.

Some Resources To Learn Capture One

If there’s one issue I hear over and over again about Capture One is that its hard to learn. I actually don’t think that its a difficult application to use, but a big part of the problem is the difficulty people have in finding proper learning material. So, in this post, I’m going to do my best to point you in the right direction. I will also keep updating this as I find more valuable resources.

Reverse Engineering as a Learning Technique

When you think of photography, the idea of reverse engineering probably isn't something that immediately comes to mind. Yet the concept is actually a pretty powerful learning technique. By examining an image that inspires you and figuring out how the photographer or artist created it, you can learn a lot, perhaps even more than if you were just told the solution.