All in Nature


When the restrictions were eased, and we could finally escape, we headed to the sea to get some fresh air and see the outside world. Here is a little collage of photos and poetry to enshrine the moment. Enjoy.

Virtual Exhibition - Tales of Summers Past

Another virtual exhibit. This time of summer photos, taken over the past ten years, between May and September. Summer is one of my least favourite times to take photos. It’s not that I don’t like taking photos in Summer, it’s just that I prefer Autumn and Spring. But looking back I still have lots of photos of summer, and there’s still lots to enjoy. I love the colours of flowers and the green of the full trees.

Lockdown Snapshots: Wildflower Walkway

It’s been about two months now since the lockdown began here in Ireland. It feels like two years. We’ve slowly gotten used to the new routine, and while frustrating, it’s become par for the course. Everyday, I get up and try and go for a walk to get some exercise, but the government guidelines until recently were to stay within 2km. This has made it seem like the world has collapsed to a much smaller place than it previously was. I guess this is what it was like in olden times when people rarely strayed past their villages.

Virtual Spring (an Exhibit)

After a long winter, the days start to get longer, and the weather begins to warm up. Outside, nature begins to return to life, and there’s nothing more liberating for the soul after months of dark and cold days than enjoying the beauty of nature as Spring takes hold. Unfortunately, with the current situation of a global pandemic forcing half of the world to stay indoors, this isn’t something that we can really do this year. So I decided to go back through my old photographs of Spring and create a little virtual spring exhibition!