About Thomas Fitzgerald

Thomas is a professional fine art photographer and writer specialising in photography related instructional books as well as travel writing and street photography. 

Random Photo: Foggy Train Tracks

Foggy Train tracks with Nex-7 I was just going through some of my old projects in Aperture and I came across this image, and something struck me about it. I love the way the fog has muted the colours, but there is still some nice yellows and reds coming out. Ok, so I brought some of them up too, but still! I like it when you find something you had forgotten about and realise that you might not have given it a proper look the first time! Ok, it may not be the greatest shot in the world, but I like it, and, I do love trains, so anything remotely railway related will always appeal to me! I actually took this on my way to a completely un-photo related work meeting. I always have a camera in my bag, and it's when you're presented with a nice scene like this you're glad. I could have taken the shot on my iPhone, but to be honest, I think it would have struggled with the light. The iPhone has a tendency to over expose, and there's no real control.

This was taken with a Nex-7 and the always fantastic Sigma 30mm Lens. It was processed in Aperture. If you want to see the original, I posted it on my flickr account so you can compare!


A Quick Before and After With Silver Efex Pro

Don McCullin Feature: "Seeking the light"