About Thomas Fitzgerald

Thomas is a professional fine art photographer and writer specialising in photography related instructional books as well as travel writing and street photography. 

Fujifilm Rumoured to Be Developing a Camera with New Sensor Size: Full-Frame on the Horizon?

Fujifilm Rumoured to Be Developing a Camera with New Sensor Size: Full-Frame on the Horizon?

Our old friends at Fuji Rumors haver caused quite a bit of a stir in the Fuji community with a recent rumour about a new camera that Fujifilm is working on. According to the rumours, Fujifilm is working on a new camera set for a 2025 release, featuring a sensor size that the company has never used before. This has led to a flurry of speculation on social media, with the leading theory being the development of a full-frame sensor. If true, this would mark a significant departure from Fujifilm's long-standing stance that full-frame isn’t a priority for the brand. But then again, Apple once famously said they would never add video to the iPod.

[UPDATE] Apparently not full frame. I had speculated on social media before I wrote this that it was far more likely to be something weird that no one had thought of, and according to the latest rumour, I was right! Anyway, if you want to still read my original speculation and reasoning continue to read below.

Years ago, I speculated that Fujifilm would eventually be forced to develop a full-frame camera, especially once Canon and Nikon entered the full-frame mirrorless market. That post earned me some of the harshest criticism I’ve ever received, particularly from die-hard Fujifilm fans who didn’t appreciate my challenge to the company’s official narrative. I stand by what I said back then, although to be honest I’m kind of sceptical now that Fuji would release a new full frame mirrorless system. If only because they’ve spent so long telling their customers that full frame is the one format that they don’t need. At the end of the day, Fuji has never been one to tow the line, and that has served them reasonably well.

One of the key reasons that Fujifilm fans have cited for avoiding the full-frame market is the saturation of competitors. The argument goes that the full-frame market is too crowded for Fujifilm to make a dent. Personally, I’ve never agreed with this reasoning. It suggests that Fujifilm’s unique selling points, such as their unparalleled film simulations and distinctive colour science, would have no impact. I think these features alone would attract users, even in a competitive landscape. From what I’ve seen, many others share this view.

Another popular rumour is that Fujifilm might develop a digital version of the Fujifilm TX (X-Pan style) camera, but reports indicate that such a project is separate from this current development.

Of course it’s all speculation at this point, and for those that get irate about such things, the speculation is just a bit of fun. While I would love to see Fuji come out with a full fame mirrorless interchangeable lens system, I think there is another possibility that is far more likely. I think the most likely potential full frame camera to be released by Fujifilm is a full frame X100 type camera.

Here’s why I think this could be the case:

1. Has The X100 Line Peaked?

Firstly, the X100 lineup, while great and really popular, doesn’t really have anywhere else to go at this point. After the X100VI it’s not really clear how they can keep developing this lineup with the current APSC sensor size and lens. But going full frame would allow a new start and potentially new customers (not that they need any for this line given that they're almost never in stock).

2. A Controlled Full-Frame Introduction

Secondly, it would allow them to develop a full frame sensor and associated architecture without having to come up with a whole new range of lenses. That could conceivably come later if this was successful. To be clear, I don’t think this would replace the X100VI but rather be a compliment to it.

3. Competing with Leica

Thirdly, the success of the Leica Q2/Q3 lineup is something I suspect they have their eyes on. The X100 already sort of competes with this, but it’s not really in the same ballpark (cue hate mail telling me I’m wrong about this). But I think this is absolutely a market they could compete in, and probably for half the price.

4. It’s Fujifilm’s Most Popular Lineup

The other reason is that the X100 series is pretty much Fuji’s most successful line. So it would make sense that if they were going to introduce a higher end, premium version of any camera it would be the one that is their biggest seller.

In any case, this is all just some fun speculation for now. I've been wrong in the past, and I’m happy to be wrong again. However, it would be satisfying to be proven right after all this time. Only time will tell!

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