Solar Eclipse
It was cloudy here in Ireland for this morning's solar eclipse, but luckily just as it reached its peak, the clouds briefly cleared and I was able to get a few shots out my window. I used live view to capture these, so I wouldn't be looking through the lens at the sun. I set the iso as low as it would go and shutter speed and aperture to their maximum, and the exposure was just about right. I did have an ND filter but I didn't need to use it in the end. I wasn't really trying to do this properly, as this was more of a pure of the moment thing, but for a quick reaction they came out ok. They're not great shots, but they have their own charm, in my humble opinion anyway. I would like to have gotten a shot from somewhere else without the trees blocking it, but I think the trees add to the effect too, giving it a creepy almost "horror movie" kind of feel.