About Thomas Fitzgerald

Thomas is a professional fine art photographer and writer specialising in photography related instructional books as well as travel writing and street photography. 

Brighton Beach - Canon R6 Mark II Cinematic Test Footage and Stills

Brighton Beach - Canon R6 Mark II Cinematic Test Footage and Stills

I recently upgraded my photography and video gear with the Canon R6 Mark II. On a trip to Brighton, UK, I tested the camera for the first time. I captured both test footage and stills, creating a short film of a moody morning on Brighton Beach. Additionally, I took a series of still photos throughout the trip, including some beautiful sunset shots.

Apart from a few test shots at home this was literally my fist time shooting video with the camera and I didn’t really know what I was doing, especially when it cam to C-Log, but I was still happy with the results. If you can, please view the video full screen in 4k. While YouTube does degrade the quality a little there are some lovely subtle nuances in the colour and the texture that I really like. I know the phrase "cinematic" is overused to the point of being rediculous, but I did try to make this look as "cinematic" as possible.

I’m sure some of my long term readers are saying to themselves - “wait, you bought what?”. I’ve actually been considering it for a long time, and recently my local camera store had an incredible deal on the Canon R6 Mark II with nearly €800 off the kit and it was too good to pass up. My first camera was a Canon 5 Film Camera (which I still have) and this sort of feels like coming home. I will do a full post and video on why I bought this particular camera, the thought process that got me there, and my first impressions, but I wanted to post this in the mean time.

I had shot this one morning in Brighton and it cut together really well, despite me not really knowing how to use the camera or having any experience with C-Log properly at that stage (it’s pretty complex with a lot of options). Stills wise, I’ve posted a few of the stills from the video below, but I will be doing a full photo essay on my Brighton trip shortly so stay tuned for that. In the mean time, here are a selection of stills.

For those interested in the technical details - The lens used was the 24-105 STM kit lens (f4-7.1). Video was shot using C-Log 3 and graded in Final Cut Pro using a combination of the default tools, and Film Convert for an added film effect. Stills were shot RAW and edited in Lightroom.

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