All tagged troubleshooting

Capture One 21 Dehaze Troubleshooting Tips

When Capture One 21 was released with the long-awaited Dehaze tool, I was a little disappointed with the results. However, having worked with it for a while now, I’ve come up with a few tips and suggestions for getting around the shortcomings of the feature. I still hope they improve it in future versions, but for now, here are some workarounds.

How to Troubleshoot Capture One Performance Issues

One of the things that I’ve come across when corresponding with readers, is that some people seem to have major problems with the performance in Capture One, while others, like myself, have never had any issues with the speed of the software. Specifically, I often see people complaining that when they move a slider they have to wait a second for the display to update. This is not the normal performance of Capture One, and so if you’re experiencing this, then something is definitely wrong.