About Thomas Fitzgerald

Thomas is a professional fine art photographer and writer specialising in photography related instructional books as well as travel writing and street photography. 

The Right Place at the Right time

The Right Place at the Right time


Sometimes it takes a lot of work and careful planning to make a great photo. Other times it’s just pure dumb luck. I’ve been travelling all this week, and I’m currently in the Belgian capital of Brussels. The other morning I was walking through the Botanical gardens early in the morning with my Trusty X-E1 and I was taking some pictures of the flowers, the lavender and the statues that are throughout the gardens and I looked up and actually exclaimed out loud when I saw what was in front of me.

Overlooking the gardens is an old abandoned church. I don’t know much about it but it’s a pretty tall building and the bell tower towers over the park and the surrounding streets. At the exact moment I turned around and in the exact spot where I was standing, the morning sun, desperately trying to break through the light cloud cover was right behind the bell tower. I stopped to think about the odds of that happening when a little voice in my head said “shut up and take the damn picture” and so I did, and here it is. To make matters even better a bird flew into the shot just as I pressed the shutter and landed in exactly the right spot to make an already ominous looking shot even more so.

Pure dumb luck. More from the trip to come!

Church Tower

Look Kids, Big Ben, Parliament

Look Kids, Big Ben, Parliament

Post to Instagram from Lightroom via Dropbox (and some other methods)

Post to Instagram from Lightroom via Dropbox (and some other methods)