About Thomas Fitzgerald

Thomas is a professional fine art photographer and writer specialising in photography related instructional books as well as travel writing and street photography. 

Video: How to improve Capture One’s Preview Quality

Video: How to improve Capture One’s Preview Quality

I had blogged about this issue back in 2017, and as its still something that is present to some extent in the Capture One 12, I thought that I would revisit the fix I use for this. So rather than re-do the blog post I thought I would do it as a video. Basically, the issue with the way Capture One renders its previews is that it doesn’t render certain things properly, and in some cases the preview an be quite soft. I came up with a way to use recipe proofing to generate a more representative preview and in this video I show you how to do this…

This may come across as something pretty geeky, but it’s actually really useful. When you use recipe proofing this way, it will give you a better representation of the final file than even most other software does, because it’s actually rendering it out each time. It will even preview things like colour space conversions and compression, but in this video I just show yo how to use it to get a better screen preview.

My original blog post about this is here if you would prefer a written version of this tutorial, but bear in mind it was written for an older version of Capture One.

Help Support the Blog

This blog is pretty much my day job now and I work to bring you my own take on photography, both tutorials and tips, as well as inspiration from my own art. I support this work, and my YouTube channel entirely either via sales of my eBooks and Lightroom presets, or the kind support of my readers. (I also have some affiliate ads). Running all this isn’t cheap, and so If you like what you see and you want to help keep this all going, there are a number of ways you can do so:

You can see more of my photography and keep up to date by following me on social media and checking out my other websites:

Some Free Capture One Styles. More Premium Styles Coming Soon

Some Free Capture One Styles. More Premium Styles Coming Soon

Travelling light and taking a break

Travelling light and taking a break