About Thomas Fitzgerald

Thomas is a professional fine art photographer and writer specialising in photography related instructional books as well as travel writing and street photography. 

Capture One 21 Sneak Peek: Dehaze Tool

Capture One 21 Sneak Peek: Dehaze Tool

Capture One showed off another sneak peek of a new feature coming in Capture One 21. This time they showcased the new Dehaze tool coming in the next version of the software. Here’s the recording of the live stream from the other night:

A couple of observations…

Dehaze has been one of the most requested features for Capture One for years now. I’ve even created my own version in the past. This looks interesting, and the shadow correction is a really nice addition to the tool. I’ll be able to talk about it more when its released but I’m glad its finally being added to the software.

One of the other things I noticed was some of the comments on the stream suggesting that Dehaze is just levels, or curves, or a few people were even suggesting that it is just the same as using clarity. All of these comparisons are not true. Dehaze is actually pretty complicated, as I found out when I tried to recreate it myself. And sure, you can get close with the existing tools, but it requires a good bit of effort. Having it as an actual tool makes it a lot easier.

There’s no final release date for Capture One 21, but you can pre-order the upgrade now, and if you’re buying Capture One 20 for the first time, you’ll get 21 free when its released.

For those still angry about how the upgrades were rolled out this year, see my comments on the last sneak peek.

Black Friday Deals on Photography Software

Black Friday Deals on Photography Software

Photo software News: Nik Software Anniversary, Capture One News and Photoshop M1 Beta

Photo software News: Nik Software Anniversary, Capture One News and Photoshop M1 Beta