About Thomas Fitzgerald

Thomas is a professional fine art photographer and writer specialising in photography related instructional books as well as travel writing and street photography. 

Ducks Crossing The Road

Here's a quick behind the scenes post about a series from the "Featured" section of my website that you've got to check out. I was walking around on Sunday testing out my D700 and I came across the most amazing scene. I was on Adelaide road which runs parallel to the canal in the centre of Dublin. As I approached a junction I noticed movement on the path ahead of me. At first I thought it was a cat or a dog or something, but then I realized it was a whole family of ducks.

I'm not really sure where they could have come from, as there's nothing really down that way other than buildings. Luckily it was a sunday though, as normally that road is pretty busy. There were a few cars passing by though. Luckily a passer by was already helping them. He stood out on the road to black traffic. There was a few hairy moments but it was quite a sight to behold.

Unfortunately all I had with me was my 50mm lens so I couldn't get in close, and I didn't want to spook them either. Still, it captures the scene quite nicely.

Luckily they all made it across the road safely and continued on their way towards the canal.

You can see a slideshow of all the images I took of the scene as it unfolded here.

Cloudy, With a chance of awesome

The Moon Says Hi