About Thomas Fitzgerald

Thomas is a professional fine art photographer and writer specialising in photography related instructional books as well as travel writing and street photography. 

Some Ongoing Projects I'm Working On

Some Ongoing Projects I'm Working On


I’ve been busily working on a few different photography related projects at the moment, all of which are at various stages of completion. I’m pretty excited about a few of the things that I have going on so I thought I’d share some of the details.

36 Hours in Paris

Cover of 36 hours in Paris by Thomas Fitzgerald

I got to spend some time in Paris just before Christmas and I have a nice selection of photos from my visit. I’ve also written an essay about the trip and I think it’s pretty good. I’m still in the final stages of putting it together, but when it’s finished I’m releasing it as a nice little e-book. It will be a digital coffee table book of sorts, and it will be formatted for the iPad, but it will be a pdf so you can use it on anything. I’m still working on the page layout side of things, but hopefully I’ll have it ready soon. In the mean time, here’s a sneak peek at some of the photos from the book Statue from paris book

Paris Sunset

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The Streets of Dublin


A while ago I started this little project to collect and share some of my street photography of Dublin city. It started with a website, and that went through a few iterations until I finally found a format that I was happy with, and since then I’ve also set up a Facebook page. The Facebook page has really started to take off and I nearly have 3000 followers now, most of which have joined in the last few months. The feedback and success has kind of taken me by surprise and it’s actually starting to take up quite a bit of time now. I’m trying to present Dublin in a nice and different (i.e. positive) light, and it’s good to see that it is resonating with people. Stop by the Streets of Dublin website or check out the Facebook page for more details.

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Film Candy for Lightroom


The Lightroom version of my popular Film Candy series of Aperture presets is nearly ready to roll. I’m just putting together the documentation and then it will be released. The idea behind film candy was to create a set of special effects presets for creating faded and expired film type effects. That was the original idea, but since then it’s spiralled into a more comprehensive set of looks that, rather than try to emulate film, is instead “inspired” by various film looks. There has been three versions for Aperture over the years, and while the Lightroom version won’t be exactly the same, it incorporates the general ideas behind the first three Aperture sets. Unlike the Aperture versions though, this is a much bigger and more comprehensive set of presets. It will also come with my own set of customised tools that I use on a regular basis. I’ve been working on this for nearly a year now, and I’ve finally reached the point where I’m happy enough with the results to the point that I’m ready to release it. Stay tuned for more information. I’m planning to have it up for sale by the end of the month. In the mean time here are some more examples of Film Candy for Lightroom in action

Film Candy for Lightroom Demo

Film Candy for Lightroom Demo

Film Candy for Lightroom Demo

Sometimes it pays to be in the right place at the right time

Sometimes it pays to be in the right place at the right time

Updated X-Trans Sharpening Presets for Lightroom

Updated X-Trans Sharpening Presets for Lightroom