The Blog Gets a Makeover and a new host
After years of hosting this blog on Wordpress and with my long time hosting provider, I've finally decided to move onto Squarespace. I had actually tried Squarespace before and wasn't quite happy with it, but in the intervening years it's become an incredibly powerful platform. The result is a brand new design, and a new layout, which puts more of an emphasis on the content, while being a more consistent design experience with my main portfolio and services site (which is also on squarespace)
The new platform has also allowed me to do a few cool things that I've wanted to do for ages, which will make things a bit easier for you the reader. The first is the new homepage layout. Here you'll find a thumbnail layout of all the latest posts where you can see at a glance subjects that might interest you. If you want to see a more traditional blog layout, well that's there too.
I've also added pages for specific sections. So, for example there's now a page dedicated to Fuji X Cameras. This page shows all the posts that are dedicated to this topic in a nice grid of thumbnails, and the page also features a handy search box too if you're looking for something specific. I've pages like this for several topics, including Lightroom, Street Photography and posts about my home country, Ireland.
Individual posts also get a gorgeous new layout, and everything is retina optimised and responsive. It looks great on my MacBook pro and it's loading much faster than the old blog. There are still a few glitches that need to be ironed out, but everything seems to be working well so far.
There are a few minor things that might affect your viewing experience that you might want to be aware of. Some of the older posts don't have the Lightbox enabled on the images within them, so clicking on photos will load them in a new page. This has to be fixed manually, and it takes forever, so I'm only dong it for popular posts. The images are all still there, but they just load in a separate tab if you click on them, rather than in a popup Lightbox.
The other issue that may be of concern is that your previous comments may behave strangely. The comments have all copied over and imported, but any email notifications will no longer work.
I've actually discovered a slightly bigger problem since moving over. It seems that most of the internal cross links are broken. If there was a post that referenced another post, the cross links have all gotten screwed up. I'm doing my best to fix it, but it has to be done manually and it takes a bit of time. File downloads are broken too, but I'm working on fixing them as fast as possible. If you come across something that's broken that you want to access, just drop me an email, and i'll prioritise it.
Update your RSS feed
If you subscribe to the blog by RSS you need to update your feed. The old feed will no longer be valid. I don't know of any way to re-direct the old one, so I'm afraid you'll have to manually change it. The new feed is located in the menu bar or you can copy and paste the address below:
Or click on the button below:
Subscribe to the Newsletter
If you have previously subscribed by email (but not the newsletter) that will no longer work either. If you want to receive updates by email, I'm only going to be doing this through the newsletter from now on. I'll be sending out weekly digests of everything on the blog. If I come up with an easy way of allowing email notices for new posts, I'll let you know. I also regularly update Twitter and Facebook, and post notices there of every new post, so if you want to follow that way, that's another option