About Thomas Fitzgerald

Thomas is a professional fine art photographer and writer specialising in photography related instructional books as well as travel writing and street photography. 

New Presets Update

New Presets Update

Just a quick update on the presets that I posted about last week. I made the cardinal mistake of giving a timeline for these when I wasn’t ready. So, needless to say, I was a bit optimistic when I said that I’d have them out within about a week. It’s taking a bit longer than I had anticipated (it always does) so they’re not quite ready yet! But hopefully not too much longer.

It’s been so long since I put anything up for sale on Gumroad that I had forgotten the process, and so It’s taking longer than I originally thought it would. I hope it will be worth it though. I’m putting a bit of extra effort into testing and into providing thorough instructions for use so that people can get the most out of them.

The other thing I keep doing is adding to it. I have created quite a useful (if I do say so myself) toolkit as part of the preset pack that I think is pretty original, and I keep finding new ways of doing things. In fact it’s so useful, I may release a version of them on their own. Many of them are based on masks and I’m using them in quite a unique way. I might even do a whole guide on this.

Below is a quick video demo. Click the fullscreen button on the player to view larger!

Anyway, I’m getting distracted! Hopefully I’ll have them ready within the next week, or so, but definitely by the end of August. (Famous last words!!!)

How to Extract Detail from an Image and Enhance Texture with DXO PureRAW 4

How to Extract Detail from an Image and Enhance Texture with DXO PureRAW 4

New Lightroom Presets Coming Soon

New Lightroom Presets Coming Soon