All in Site News

Why I Switched from Phtoshelter to Photodeck

For quite a while I’ve been using Photoshelter to host my online image library. Initially it served as a place that I could deliver image files to clients, sell stock and also manage print sales. I really liked the service and it had a lot to offer, but I’m afraid that I’ve had to move to a different host. I didn’t want to, but the reason was quite simple. After two years or saying that they would do something about it, Photoshelter still didn’t properly support EU Vat law. 

Happy Christmas

On this Christmas Eve, I wanted to wish everyone a very happy holidays. Thank you for your support and readership over this past yea, and I am really grateful to you all. I hope those of you who celebrate a festive holiday this time of year enjoy a very peaceful Christmas and a happy new year, or whatever holiday you celebrate. 

Upcoming Store & Product Plans

Following on from yesterdays post about my new site design, I wanted to update you on some more important updates and changes for the new year. The first concerns my Capture One guide. The second concerns my online store, and if you’ve purchased anything from me in the past, this is an important update, so please read it when you get the chance. 

Changing Things Up A Bit

I’ve been feeling lately that my site design had been getting a little stale. What’s more, it was dictating to me how I approached my posts, and it was getting to the point where I really wasn’t happy with it. It wasn’t just the design in terms of what you see but also the functionality. I was adding bits on and using some cheats to get around certain functions that the theme didn’t have, and it was starting to look dated. 

Autumn Wallpaper Pack Available

Autumn is my absolute favourite time of the year for taking photos. When the leaves on the trees start to take on their seasonal colours the landscape takes on a beautiful sheen of red and gold, there is a certain magic about the place. But it’s not just the trees, and the leaves that make Autumn special. It’s the light too. Over the years I’ve collected a large variety of Images from Autumn. I have lots of different types of Autumn images, from Landscapes to close-up images, and from this selection, I’ve created a set of wallpaper images that I think will work well as desktop wallpapers. 

Updated Portfolio

I’ve been slowly updating and changing the way I handle my portfolio on my collected websites. Previously I had been relying on Photoshelter to host my portfolio, but I’m starting to move away from this for various reasons (more on this in a minute). Because I already have a separate site which is an overview of my Photography in general, I’m adding a proper portfolio to that. I’ll also be updating it with proper galleries for the various genres that I photography regularly. 

Some Updates

I’ve been busy with a few ongoing projects at the moment and I wanted to provide you with a few updates that I thought you might be interested in. I’m working on a few interesting things here for the blog, and also a few new interesting products for my store, so stay tuned for that. In the mean time, here are a few updates that you might be interested in...

My Download Store Redesign

A while ago I wrote about some of the things that I had planned for my digital download store, and one of those was to implement an updated theme and a re-design. Well, I’m happy to say that I’ve now implemented this, and the store now has a shiny new design. Well, sort of. I’ve updated the theme that runs the store and this includes a lot of the functionality of the individual elements. On the home page, it may not look that different, but there is a new framework there which will allow me to change it over time, and I hope to make it look better.

Introducing the new “Photography Geek” website

Before I started this blog, I used to write about Apple and technology on various blogs. It was in a typical old fashioned blog style, where it was a mix of links to news articles that I found interesting, with some commentary added by me on things that I found to be comment worthy. I stopped doing it a long time ago, but I’ve missed the experience. Over the past few years, I’ve been thinking about doing something in this kind of format about photography.

The Lightroom Diary is Back

A while ago I was publishing another blog for Lightroom, called "The Lightroom Diary" and at the time it had become too much trouble for me to post to both that and this, my regular blog. So I shut it down and consolidated all the Lightroom posts here. I said at the time that I might start it back up again, and so now I have.

My Photo Journal

While I do most of my posting on this blog, and it’s pretty much the main port of call for visitors, the blog is actually not my main photography site. I actually have a main site, which acts as my portfolio an has details about my photography, my writing and so on, as well as contact information ad the like. It’s my online business card so to speak. It also has a companion blog, which I often refer to as the “Photos Only” blog.

Milestones & Journeys

Over the past week I've reached two very important milestones, both here on the blog and in my photography journey. First of all, my new e-book on processing X-Trans files in Iridient Developer has become the fastest selling book that I've released to date! Secondly, my humble little blog has passed the million viewer mark!

An Autumn Update

I wanted to share a quick update on some ongoing projects, and some other things that have been going on.Lots of people have been asking me questions, which I've only gotten around to answering a few, and I've promised some updates on various things, so here's a quick roundup of what's going on.