About Thomas Fitzgerald

Thomas is a professional fine art photographer and writer specialising in photography related instructional books as well as travel writing and street photography. 

Video: Working with Multiple Applications to enhance an Image

Video: Working with Multiple Applications to enhance an Image

One of the bad habits that I’ve found myself doing a lot over the past few years, is being a bit lazy when it comes to post production. Even though I use a lot of different applications, I still find that I have gotten into this mental head space of always trying to do everything in the one application. This wasn’t always the case though. I used to work across multiple applications, usually starting in Lightroom, and then using Photoshop and maybe some plug-ins. 

Recently I’ve rediscovered this way of working, and I wanted to show that it doesn’t have to be that complicated, or any more time consuming than trying to do everything in the one place. I was doing this more for my own purposes than anything, but I thought it would make a nice demonstration.

So in the video, I start with a photo in Apple’s Photos (just because that’s where it was already, but this could have just as easily been from Lightroom) and from there I edit it in Photoshop, and then use Luminar as a plug-in to do some enhancements, as well as some more photoshop editing. Finally, I save everything back to Photos. 

Help support the blog You can see more of my photography and keep up to date by following me on social media and checking out my other websites:

I also have a number of digital products available for sale:

The Gear I use Regularly

Fuji X-Raw Studio First Impressions

Fuji X-Raw Studio First Impressions

Introducing Film Candy LUTS

Introducing Film Candy LUTS