All tagged Free

Some Free Lightroom Presets to Download & Happy Christmas

This will probably be my last day blogging before Christmas, so I wanted to finish off by giving something back. As I had been working on various projects throughout the year, I have been creating and experimenting with various Lightroom presets, and I ended up with quite a collection. I had originally offered these to Patreon members, but as I’ve shut down my Patreon channel for now, I didn’t want them to go to waste, and so you can download them here.

Free Capture One Style Brushes

Ever since Capture One released the 14.1 update, I’ve been playing around with the new style brushes feature, and I’m really linking it. As part fo my experimentation, I’ve been creating a few style brushes of my own, and so, I’m making these experimental brushes available for you tor download and try.

Some Free Styles for Capture One

I’ve been building up a collection of Styles in Capture One for some time, and I originally had the intention of releasing hem as a styles pack, but I was never really happy with them as a complete pack. However, I’ve developed quite a few over the years, and they’re just sitting here on my computer, so I thought I’d share them anyway.

Free Lightroom CC Tools Booster Pack

Ever since Lightroom CC was announced - The new cloud based cut down desktop version - not to be confused with the old normal version - I have been thinking about ways to get around some of its limitations. The solution was to create a set of presets that allowed you to apply some of the effects that Lightroom CC is missing. 

F-Variations for Lightroom: Free Lightroom Presets for Fuji X-Series users

I’ve created a new set of presets for Fuji users and I’m happy to announce that I’m giving these away for free. Basically, I really like the various film simulation modes available on Fuji’s cameras, and the corresponding picture profiles in Lightroom. They’re good on their own, but they also make a good starting point for some further manipulation. So, using the various profiles as a starting point, I created my own set of “Variations” of these.


Some Free Faux Film Lightroom Presets for Fuji X Users

I’ve been working on some new premium Lightroom presets, which should be available soon, but while I was experimenting I got sidetracked and ended up creating some Faux Film presets for Fuji X users. I was trying some different techniques and I have saved various “ingredients” which I use to then create whole looks. While playing around with some of these I decided to try combining some of what I was working on, with the fuji picture profiles that come with lightroom. I liked he results so I decided to keep going. The result was a set of film like presets that I think you might like.